For many years, Barcelona has worked to combat and respond to the effects of climate change.

Government measures

For many years, Barcelona has worked to combat and respond to the effects of climate change. Many projects, policies and plans have been set up in the city for this purpose, both in terms of the reduction of CO2 eq emissions by promoting, for instance, the energy transition towards a 100% renewable city, and with regard to fostering adaptation and resilience measures, for example, by increasing and improving the urban green infrastructure.

To draw up the Climate Plan, the current situation with regard to various environmental vectors was analysed in order to propose the most appropriate actions in each case.

Barcelona Comprehensive Sewer Network Plan (PICBA) (2006)

Comprehensive Coastline Management Plan (PGIL) (2007)

Barcelona Neighbourhood Plan (2016-2020)

Plan for Energy Saving and Improvements in Municipal Buildings (2017-2020)

Technical Plan for Taking Advantage of Alternative Water Resources (2018)

Cooperation for Social Justice Master Plan (2018-2021)

Strategic Plan for the City’s Coastal Areas (2018-2025)

Action Plan for Preventing the Effects of Heat Waves on Human Health (annual)