
Opening speech by Dolors Udina and tribute to Salvat-Papasseit at the 73rd Occasion, Antique and Modern Book Fair

31/07/2024 - 07:00 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

From 20 September to 6 October at Passeig de Gràcia in Barcelona.

Organitzada pel Gremi de Llibreters de Vell de Catalunya, la Fira del Llibre d’Ocasió, Antic i Modern és una de les més tradicionals de la ciutat i la més antiga del seu tipus a Europa. Durant més de set dècades, ha estat un punt de trobada per a col·leccionistes, professionals del sector i públic en general, reivindicant el valor del llibre de segona mà com a vehicle de cultura i coneixement. La 73a edició se celebrarà del 20 de setembre al 6 d’octubre al passeig de Gràcia, i entre les institucions que hi col·laboren hi ha l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.

Organised by Gremi de Llibreters de Vell de Catalunya, the Occasion, Antique and Modern Book Fair is one of the most traditional in the city and the oldest of its kind in Europe. For more than seven decades, it has been a meeting point for collectors, professionals in the sector and the general public, vindicating the value of second-hand books as a vehicle of culture and knowledge. The 73rd edition will be held from 20 September to 6 October on Passeig de Gràcia, and one of the institutions collaborating in the event is Barcelona City Council.

The Fair will begin with an inaugural event with the opening speech by Dolors Udina, translator and teacher. Udina has translated into Catalan works by internationally renowned authors such as Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, J.M.Coetzee, Alice Munro and Ali Smith, and her work has been awarded numerous prizes, including the National Prize for a Translator’s Work in 2019.

In the context of the Salvat-Papasseit Year, a tribute will be paid to the poet and activist Joan Salvat-Papasseit with an exhibition that has the singularity of revealing his facet as a bookseller. This exhibition, curated by Àlex Pons, owner of the bookshop L’Illa de Tresor, will offer a chronological journey through the poet’s life and work, with a wide selection of original materials, from books and magazines to handwritten poems, drawings, photographs and personal objects.

27 stands along 190 metres

The Fair will extend along Passeig de Gràcia, between Consell de Cent street and Gran Via. There will be 190 metres with 27 stands, where visitors will find books for all tastes, from timeless classics to contemporary works, with prices ranging from €3 to real collector’s items. First editions, rare or out-of-print copies and original manuscripts are waiting to be discovered by those who are looking for literary treasures to enrich their libraries.

The poster for this edition was created by the Barcelona-based editorial illustrator Ana Yael, who specialises in visual poetry and conceptual illustration. A work that is an ode to books as a source not only of knowledge, but also of great universal stories.

The full programme of activities will be announced in the coming weeks. You will find more information here.