
Festa Major del Poble-Sec

Poble-sec celebrates 150th anniversary with ‘festa major’

The festival will feature activities all around the neighbourhood so everyone, young and old, can enjoy the celebration.

The neighbourhood of Poble-sec was founded in 1869. Ever since, it has been home to thousands and thousands of working-class families, fighting for their rights and respecting everyone. The time has come to celebrate its 150th anniversary with a great new Festa Major del Poble-sec. For nearly 10 days, the neighbourhood’s most emblematic spots, including Plaça del Sortidor, Parc de les Tres Xemeneies and Plaça de la Bella Dorita, will fill with all sorts of activities. Obviously, there will be no lack of popular culture, with gatherings of gegants (giants), castelleres (human tower builders) and correfocs (fire runs). One of the most important events, in this regard, is the one that gets it all started: the cercavila parade to kick off the festival, going from Plaça del Sortidor to Plaça de Navas, where there will be a dance of honour. For young people, the Castellers del Poble-sec will be hosting Secasac, a festival with various concerts and other activities. The human tower builders will also host a tower-building day, with groups from all over the country. In addition to all of that, there will also be kids’ activities, dances, outdoor cinema, popular dinners and cultural tours of various spaces and buildings in Poble-sec.

All the activities for this festival will be held from 19 to 28 July, at various times and places in Poble-sec. Whether or not you live in this area, don’t hesitate to come out to this part of Barcelona packed with history and celebrate its 150th anniversary.

Most of the activities are free and open to everyone. More information is available in the Festa Major del Poble-sec programme.

Publication date: Friday, 19 July 2019
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