
Roger Mas in BARTS, as part of the Guitar Festival BCN

The singer-songwriter returns with a quintet formation on the 4th of April

Obrirà la vetllada Èric Vinaixa, cantautor originari de Miravet, a la Ribera d’Ebre, que abans d’iniciar una carrera en solitari va liderar la banda Rodamons. 

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"Roger Mas ... torna a ser Roger Mas " (Roger once again Roger mas) is the banner for the new live performances by the Solsona-born musician, leaving behind his more ambitious adventure in which he was accompanied by the Cobla Sant Jordi Ciutat de Barcelona. In contrast, in this presentation in BARTS he will be accompanied by just four musicians, performing pieces from various phases of his recording career.

It is hoped that this basic formation will lead to a more direct, electrified performance that will captivate both seasoned fans as well as those who are only recently discovering his music. It is worth mentioning that Mas’s career, while it has been based around the singer-songwriter genre, has also absorbed inspiration from music from all corners of the globe, and that lyricism continues to play a very significant role in his music.

The evening will begin with Èric Vinaixa, a singer-songwriter born in Miravet in the Ribera d’Ebre region who, before embarking on a solo career, was leader of the band Rodamons.

Barcelona Culture users may obtain two free tickets for this performance by following this link.

Publication date: Monday, 25 March 2013
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