
From Sant Antoni to El Molino, a route culminating in an aperitif-concert-dance

At midday on Sunday, June 30th, participants in the route may revive some of the favourite haunts for the nightlife of Barcelona’s past, such as the Teatre Circo Olympia

El Molino, the cafe-chantant of El Paral·lel, and the length of the avenue in general, has always had strong associations with the city’s nightlife. This, however, doesn’t mean it cannot be interesting during the daytime, above all if one approaches it as an itinerary, a historical tourist trail along what in former times was a vital artery for the nightlife of the city’s residents and visitors alike.
The proposal, then, for midday on the last Sunday of June, is a stroll from the Mercat de Sant Antoni as far as El Molino, with a pit stop on the corner of the Ronda Sant Pau and Carrer Aldana, the site of the Teatre Circ Olympia, the famous venue with a seating capacity for approximately six thousand people which, from 1924 to 1947 hosted a variety of performances, including opera, zarzuela, theatre, revue, ballet, and even boxing and wrestling.
Once at the Paral·lel, just around the corner and up the street, in front of El Molino, there is the Bar Borrell, the only establishment of its type that remains open and preserves the essence of the golden age of Barcelona’s Broadway.
The outing culminates in the best way imaginable, with an aperitif-concert-dance in El Molino, where the music will be supplied by the Quintet de Jazz Vell Combo and the dancing by, well, whoever feels like getting into the swing.
Publication date: Tuesday, 25 June 2013
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