Anna Anglès

Trenca el negre

Queda´t a les fosques per construir una gran sanefa col·lectiva amb formes geomètriques

La llum negre il·lumina la sala fosca d’aquest taller que ens ajudarà a construir, entre tots plegats, una gran sanefa acolorida, tot enganxant figures geomètriques de paper. Compte que el ritme; és important! El que facis tu, ho repetiran els altres!

Anna Anglès

I was born in Barcelona in 1975. I am documentalist of works of art and a plastic artist with studies in the arts applied to walls, but I have always considered myself to be self-taught with a major aptitude for resolving problems in a creative way. My creative process is mainly based on oil painting, both large and small format. Currently I combine my work as documentalist of works of art with the production of handmade printed bags and T-shirts with the stencil technique as well original work.

© Big Draw. Barcelona dibuixa. 2018