Koala Art for Kids

Sea in the sky

A sea full of water and colours is waiting for you…Come and fill it with fish!

Installation in which plastic transparent bags are hung, full of water of colours. The bags will be spread out at different heights.

Each participant will draw some marine element on the bag with permanent marker pens. The installation will be accompanied by sounds from the sea, which invite the participants to get inside this imaginary sea.

We are three art teachers that after years of teaching in the world of art, we have decided to begin a common project that works on the diffusion of the creative experience for boys and girls of all ages, Art for Kids are:

Irene Gilabert
Degree in Fine Arts (U.B), Graduated in Photography (IEFC). 1999-2018 Teacher of plastic arts for youths and adults Escola Traç. (Barcelona)

Eva Sala
Diploma in Children’s Education (U.B) and Degree in Fine Arts (U.B). 2004-2018 Teacher of art for kids, Escola Traç (Barcelona). Assessment for schools and organisation of art workshops.

Montse Tarragona
Degree in Philosophy and Doctorate in Aesthetics (UAB). Studies in Restoration of Works of Art (ESCRBCC). Since 2004 director and teacher of art at the Solaç Centre d’art (Lleida).

© Big Draw. Barcelona dibuixa. 2018