Richard Martin

What is it? It's the sea!

We all come from the sea and between us we will draw how we want it to be. In addition, we will enjoy being the protagonists aboard the submarine, IC-TI-NEO

A workshop that will allow us to make a great mural of how we want the sea to be. From the most superficial to the deepest part. But one thing we need to do, we must think what to do with the waste. Your ideas are very important.

We will also be able to be the protagonists with the IC-TI-NEO submarine, ... and more with a photo-call so that you can take away a souvenir from aboard the submarine.

Richard Martin

Degree in Communication Studies in Humanities and Mathematical Sciences from the University of Barcelona - UB Graduate in Applied Arts and Artistic Trades – Llotja.

Born in Zürich, in 1968, my origins come from two very different cultures which between them that have influenced the way of working. The work is the sum of expressions and feelings by means of curved and infinite lines. The curve as an element of language. Gestuality with doses of informalism. Colour, the inner impulse. Symbology. How we relate, grow or love ... straight lines do not exist in any area of the Universe. The sea is a great example.

© Big Draw. Barcelona dibuixa. 2018