City of entrepeneurs

© Juliet Pomés

Barcelona has always been one of the driving forces of the industrial revolution in Spain, a place where entrepreneurs have prospered and their effort has been rewarded through social recognition. We are in the throes of an unprecedented crisis, one that has brought about a radical transformation of our production model and a new economy based on connectivity and global virtuality. One of the most noteworthy tools deployed by Barcelona City Council to rise to the challenges brought by the crisis is the Barcelona Activa business incubator, a model that has garnered admiration the world over. The recession has also spawned new forms of social entrepreneurship which enjoy increasingly greater possibilities of opening up new paths and offsetting the shortcomings uncovered by poverty. The dossier also presents the profiles and faces of some of the entrepreneurs who are standing up to the crisis.

One thought on “City of entrepeneurs

  1. Us felicito de tot cor. No hem de permetre que el desànim
    pugui amb la nostra gent. Els catalans som treballadors i emprenadors de mena i per molts mals tractes que rebem del Gobern de Madrid , ens en sortirem !!! i si ho fem amb independencia, molt millor!!
    els meus fills, gendres, jove i jo mateixa (encara que soc molt gran) treballem mès que mai i anem endevant, i estem molt orgullosos de ser catalans!!
    !!Visca Catalunya!!

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