"Market of Markets Fair"
Translator of

Days | Hours | Preus | ||
Divendres i dissabte |
d'11.00 h a 22.00 h |
Entrada Gratuïta |
diumenge |
d'11:00 h a 21:00 h |
A la plaça de les Glòries
- Address:
- Plaça de Josep Antoni Coderch, 0
- District:
- Sant Martí
- Neighborhood:
- el Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou
- City:
- Barcelona
The 13th edition of the Market of Markets Fair, the great celebration of Barcelona’s markets and of local, sustainable products and food, is being held on 18, 19 and 20 October . This year, Plaça de Catalunya will be the venue, and the square will be filled with the best products purveyed by Barcelona's market traders, alongside local restaurateurs and producers.
Workshops, music and activities related to markets and food will be filling the fair's three-day programme. At L’Aula, there’ll be workshops, tastings, showcooking sessions and presentations. And that’s without forgetting the kids, who can enjoy all sorts of activities and games in the Espai Infantil. Moreover, the three days will be livened up with musical performances for the whole family. As in previous editions, this year there'll also be a space with barbecues and microwaves where visitors can heat, cook and eat meat, fish and vegetables ‘in situ’. And in the restaurant area, there’ll be a chance to savour delicious tapas made by local restaurateurs paired with wines, sparkling wines, beers and other beverages served at the different bars.