Capgrossos de la Marina

Fact sheet


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With the creation of the giants from the neighbourhood of La Marina, or the giants from the Zona Franca as they were at the time, in 1986 the first big heads from La Marina were conceived. Their names are Pinchauvas and Escombraire, and they were built by Xavier Jansana. These big heads, original for this type of figure, are imaginary characters which are representative of the neighbourhoods of La Marina, in Sants. With the disappearance of the Zona Franca giants group the figures were forgotten.

In the mid-1990s, when the La Marina giants group was set up, the two old big heads were restored and two new figures acquired. The new figures are also by Xavier Jansana. One, referred to as Pallaset by the group, is the figure used in the Cu-cut tradition. The other, called Bruixa, is one of the archetypal characters in the series of big head figures created by Jansana.