Pastorets del Centre Parroquial de Sant Vicenç de Sarrià

The Centre Parroquial de Sant Vicenç de Sarrià has now been putting on L'estel de Natzaret (The Star of Nazareth) since 2007. This is a lyrical drama on the birth of Jesus, with a text by Ramon Pàmies and music by Msgnr Miquel Ferrer. It was composed in 1891 and premiered at the Centre Catòlic de Gràcia in 1903. Apart from the three years of the Civil War (1936-39), this version of the Pastorets (Shepherds' Story) has been staged every year, courtesy of a group of amateur thespians, La Bambolina Negra, the Inquietudine orchestra, the Orfeó Sarrianenc choral singers and the children's section of the Esbart Sarrià. The play is performed at the parish centre theatre.

All the groups involved in staging L'estel de Natzaret belong to the Centre Parroquial de Sant Vicenç de Sarrià. This centre was set up in 1943 to carry on from the Institut Sant Josep, which was founded in the parish in 1897 and based on the Acadèmia Josefina, created in 1896 to offer recreation, education and training to lay personsIt has football, recreation, religious education and cooperation sections, plus music, chess and sewing groups.