BiblioLab Science: Experimentation, technology and innovative activities
The BiblioLab program, promoted by the Xarxa de Biblioteques Municipales (XBM), promotes and supports initiatives that seek to facilitate access to knowledge through experimentation and the use of innovative and creative methodologies, in a collaborative environment and open to the public.

The objectives of the BiblioLab program are to promote dynamic learning and innovation, facilitate access to digital technologies, place experimentation as the center of learning, promote active community participation and increase the social value of libraries public as spaces for the production of knowledge and adaptation to change.
Below is the list of scheduled activities:
Monday, October 28, at 6:30 p.m. – Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte
VISIONS OF SCIENCE. Biomedicine: research to improve tomorrow. The influence of intestinal microbiota on mental health.
In our intestines lives a community of microorganisms that is essential for our health. These microorganisms produce a wide variety of neurotransmitters (such as serotonin, dopamine or GABA), which through the gut-brain axis can influence the functioning of our brain. In recent years we have observed that conditions such as depression, autism or Alzheimer’s are associated with alterations in the composition of the intestinal microbiota, and also that social relationships promote the exchange of these microorganisms. Can we modify the microbiota to improve our health?
By Mireia Vallès Colomer, researcher in charge of the MELIS-UPF Microbiome Research Group.
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Wednesday, October 30, at 6:30 p.m. – Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte
ARE YOU INTERESTED Robotics for rehabilitation and assistance.
Technology and, more specifically, robotics are evolving in the field of health and assistance to people. This conference analyzes the progress of robotics in the field of rehabilitation and assistance to people with disabilities, or with rehabilitation needs, and also to the elderly, mainly through the currently existing equipment. This analysis will also make it possible to make a certain survey about the future prospects of robotics in this field.
By Alicia Casals. Department of Systems Engineering, Automation and Industrial Informatics.
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Thursday, October 31, at 6:30 p.m. – Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte
DEFON SEA Cetaceans on the Catalan coast
When you think of whales and dolphins, you usually think of distant and remote seas, but we also have cetaceans on our shores. Clàudia Auladell, an expert on these marine mammals, will explain which cetaceans we have and can see on the Catalan coast. We will see what characteristics each species has and, above all, what we should do if we find one at sea. In addition, we will see as an example the summary of cetacean data collected by the Noa18nusos Association over the last five years in the underwater canyon of La Fonera, between Palamós and Begur.
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Wednesday, November 6, at 6:30 p.m. – Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte
ARE YOU INTERESTED The mathematics of infectious diseases. What can mathematics do to fight infectious diseases?
How the use of mathematical and computational models and computer simulations can help us understand the behavior of infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, malaria or the most recent of the global pandemics, COVID-19. How can mathematics help us understand the spread of these diseases?
By Daniel López Codina. Department of Physics.
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Monday, November 11, at 5:00 p.m. – Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte
ARE YOU INTERESTED Let’s practice critical thinking with the game Cranky Uncle.
How can we use critical thinking to combat misinformation? After the presentation of some examples of obstacles to the exercise of critical thinking and reasoned argumentation (interpretative biases, logical fallacies, etc.), together we will try to answer the challenges of Uncle Rondinaire, who will teach the main science denial techniques. Catalan version of the game Cranky Uncle, critical thinking about climate change, created by John Cook, founder of the Skeptical science website.
By Joan Folch.
Prior registration is required
Tuesday, November 12, at 6:30 p.m. – Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte
CINEFORUM. Eternal breasts Kinuyo Tanaka Japan, 1955.
Fumiko Shimojo’s marriage to Shigeru Anza ends badly, and she returns to her family home with her two children. One day, Fumiko attends a poetry reading at Yamagami’s house, where they celebrate her husband’s return to Japan. Shortly after, news arrives that his divorce is official, and he must give custody of his son Noboru to his father. But this one dies suddenly. Fumiko then makes a plan to get her son back and move to Tokyo, but she is diagnosed with breast cancer.
By Arnau Martín, master in contemporary cinema from Pompeu Fabra University and film critic.
Prior registration is required.
Wednesday, November 20, at 6:30 p.m. – Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte
OPEN SCIENCE CLUB. women? men? : sex and gender, biology and culture
Are we women and are we men because we are born women and men? Or are we because society makes us grow up as women and as men? Humans are a product of biology (how we are born) and culture (how we are raised), but knowledge of biology often seems to scare us.
With the author of the book Jordi Casanova i Roca.
Monday, November 25, at 6:30 p.m. – Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte
VISIONS OF SCIENCE. Biomedicine: Viruses: angels or demons?
Viruses are particles that carry a duality. On the one hand, they represent a constant threat with their ability to generate new pandemics for which we are not prepared. But there is also another unknown side: they are essential for life on Earth and may offer revolutionary solutions against cancer and antibiotic resistance. In this talk we will explore these two fascinating facets and understand the true role of viruses in our world.
By Juana Díez, researcher in charge of the MELIS-UPF Virology Unit.
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Tuesday, December 10, at 6:30 p.m. – Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte
CINEFORUM. A small plan… how to save the planet. Louis Garrell. France, 2021.
Abel and Marianne discover that their 13-year-old son Joseph has secretly sold his most prized possessions. They soon realize that Joseph is not the only one: hundreds of children from all over the world have joined together to fund a mysterious environmental project in Africa. Your mission is to save the planet.
By Arnau Martín, master in contemporary cinema from Pompeu Fabra University and film critic.
Prior registration is required.
All activities are free and space is limited.
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