El nou curs de les Escoles +Sostenibles posa el focus en la descarbonització i en la gestió de l’aigua

32 schools will join the + Sustainable Schools city program this year and 43 will start or renew a three-year project. Currently, 396 schools from all over the city participate in this network.

14/11/2024 - 14:27 h - Science Ajuntament de Barcelona

The More Sustainable Schools program is now in its 24th edition involving 396 schools in the city, with the aim of encouraging and accompanying the educational community to carry out projects on climate change, sustainable food, biodiversity, mobility, environmental quality, responsible consumption and water and energy saving, among other topics.

This year, 32 schools are joining the network and 43 more are starting or renewing their three-year project. During the academic year, schools participating in the program will develop a transformation project to improve sustainability in the school and its environment, with the direct participation of the students and the teaching staff. From the diagnosis and exploration of problems to the elaboration of improvement proposals, implementation of specific actions and evaluation of what has been done.

Specifically, during the 2024-2025 academic year, the More Sustainable Schools join the new Commitment to a More Sustainable Barcelona and, therefore, will work on the two priority areas established:

  • The decarbonization of the city, which reaffirms the climate agreement to be a smart and climate-neutral city by 2030
  • Water management, i.e. reducing domestic consumption, savings in irrigation, the commitment to native green species that require less water or how to reuse different resources to promote these savings

This course welcome ceremony last Friday, which, as every year, was held in the Saló de Cent of the Barcelona City Council, was attended by about 200 people, students and teachers from different schools in the city.

The More Sustainable Schools are part of the More Sustainable Barcelona Network, which brings together organizations, companies, entities, businesses and citizens with the desire to work and expand the sustainability culture in the city.

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