Inés Macpherson

Inés Macpherson (Barcelona, 1982) graduated with a degree in Philosophy. She currently works in the publishing world as a freelancer and collaborates with La Vanguardia, where she writes about books for the Culturas supplement. She is also an oral storyteller, runs reading clubs and teaches at the Ateneu Barcelonès Writing School. In the field of literature she has had stories published in a number of anthologies such as Extraordinàries. Noves autores de l’insòlit (Males Herbes, 2020), Paper Cremat. 10 contes per a 100 anys de Ray Bradbury (Apostroph, 2020) and La ciutat invisible. Vuit relats ucrònics barcelonins (Sfabula Editorial, 2022). Els fils del mar (Spècula, 2023) is her latest novel. In 2021, Macpherson received the award for the best emerging talent in Catalan, awarded by Festival 42.


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