Ells no poden morir

  • Teatre

Oriol Vilanova

When history is not enough and does not do them sufficient justice, Salvador Dalí, Walt Disney and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin are adamant that geniuses cannot be allowed to die. Immortality is the solution. The three enter into a lively debate in an empty exhibition room in an old baroque palace, La Virreina, which becomes the fourth voice.  A portrait of the 20th century through three icons who transcended the borders of popularity and fame. The present, the past and many other become confused during this night at the theatre.

Artistic card

Intèrprets: Nora Navas, Antònia (Nies) Jaume, Sandra Monclús; Autoria: Oriol Vilanova; Direcció escènica: Xavier Albertí; Grafisme: Àlex Gifreu;


Oriol Vilanova
