
  • Música

Teatre al Detall

Puppets, theatre, wit, music and imagination. All this and more in a story of two chefs given a difficult job: to get a child fussy about food to eat.

Some children are difficult at meal times but, in the case of Lluïset things have gone too far. Lluïset only wants chips. Obviously, that is not good for him, and his private chefs, Llòfia and Olívia, have the difficult job of getting him to eat properly at breakfast, lunch and dinner time. Fortunately, the pair are not lacking in energy and imagination, and they serve up meals using such ingredients as music, games, clowning and humour. If you don’t laugh whilst watching this show, it is probably because you are too busy licking your lips!

Artistic card

Intèrprets: Xavi Idàñez, Txell Botey; Autoria: Jordi Palet; Direcció i coreografia: Joan Maria Segura Bernadas; Música: Jordi Riera; Escenografia: Fortià Coromina; Vestuari i utillatge: Víctor Peralta; Il·luminació: Jordi Llongueras; Titelles: Txell Botey; Producció: Teatre al Detall; Fotografia: Quim Botey;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Monday to Saturday, 6 pm; Sunday, 12 noon
  • Space

    Almeria Teatre

    Carrer de Sant Lluís, 64, 08024 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price