Nit de tango

  • Música

The Montjuïc theatre hosts an evening devoted to the tango in its purest, most essential state, showcasing three aspects of the genre: singing, music and dance. An Argentinian evening, then, but one at which the texts recited by Mario Gas will also evoke the bonds between tango and Catalan culture. The show will feature a musical ensemble from Argentina, the voice of the singer and actor Cecilia Rossetto and the dancing of five tango couples, including the winners of the World Tango Championship in Buenos Aires. Together, musicians, dancers and singers will take us on a journey through the different periods and styles in the history of tango, in a production coordinated by Nélida Rodríguez, star of the legendary Tango argentino show.

Artistic card

Artista convidat: Cecilia Rossetto; Ballarins: Camila Stella Danelli i Germán Cornejo, Melina Bruffman i Claudio González, Cecilia Capello i Diego Amorín, Alejandra Heredia i Mariano Otero; Direcció musical: Erica Di Salvo; Violí: Erica Di Salvo; Piano: Martín Jurado; Violoncel: Ulises Di Salvo; Contrabaix: Patricio Cotella; Bandoneó: Daniel Binelli, Federico Pereiro; Guitarra: César Angeleri; Intèrpret: Mario Gas; Amb la participació de: Carolina Mazzeo i Vicenc Arranz, Andrea Ballestero i Martín Pargana, Sofía Pellicciaro i Claudio Crecciente; Producció artística: Gustavo Mozzi; Posada en escena i coreografia: Nélida Rodríguez; Maquillatge i perruqueria: Jean Luc Don Vito; Vestuari: La esquina Carlos Gardel; Producció general: Rafael Veljanovich, Elsinor;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm.
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price