
  • Teatre

Èsquil / heiner müller

Zeus, the tyrant who has just seized power, wants to suck the life out of people and turn them into animals. But Prometheus steals fire to give it to mortals. He teaches them to read and write, to add up, how to use fire in industry and plants to cure illness.... He has risen up against the powers-that-be in order to turn humans into conscious, educated beings. For this, he will be punished, made to suffer eternally, isolated from the world, an example of what happens to anyone who rebels against those above them. Heiner Müller’s translation of Aeschylus’s play is completely faithful, turning the Greek myth into a compendium of contradiction, fear, pride... all the feelings that torment humans. Our dramaturgy today sees the story as a conflict “above” that has consequences for those “below”, that is, the human world, the world of those who, thanks to Prometheus, possess fire, writing, medicine... in short, consciousness. Was it worth giving fire to these humans, or might it not have been better to return them to the state of wild animals? Anyway, if a Prometheus appeared today, people would do the same thing to him as the gods did: condemn him to silence.

Artistic card

Direcció: Carmen Portaceli; Música i direcció musical: Dani Nel.lo; Traducció al català: Feliu Formosa; Intèrprets: David Bages, Lluïsa Castell, Carme Elias, Gabriela Flores, Llorenç González, Pepa López, Albert Pérez; Dramatúrgia: Carme Portaceli, Pablo Ley; Músic: Jordi Prats, Anton Jarl, Miquel Ángel Cordero, Dani Nel.lo; Espai escènic: Paco Azorín; Arranjaments: Jordi Prats; Disseny d'imatge: David Ruano, Paco Amate; Vestuari: Antonio Belart; Il·luminació: Maria Domènech; So: Roc Mateu; Maquillatge: Toni Santos, José Fuentes; Producció: Casiana Monczar; Producció tècnica i ajudant d'escenografia: Jordi Soler Prim; Ajudant de direcció: Mercè Vila Godoy, Víctor Sánchez; Assistència a la direcció: Àngel Ordaz; Regidoria: Maria de Frutos; Disseny gràfic: Fernando Fernández; Ajudant de vestuari: Pere Carreras; Moviment: Iva Horvat; Maquinista: Emili Fontanals; Sastreria: Laura García; Construcció de l'escenografia: Arts-cenics; Confecció del vestuari: Goretti Puente; Producció executiva: FEI;


Èsquil, Heiner Müller


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    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

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