The Repetition

  • Teatre

Histoire(s) du Théâtre (I)

A director and company who for almost fifteen years have been bringing violence and traumatic events to the stage begin a new series of shows about theatre and is done in the form of a criminal investigation.

With Hate Radio (Grec 2013) and The Civil Wars (Grec 2015), the Swiss director, Milo Rau, and his International Institute of Political Murder already gave Barcelona two good displays of his documentary theatre, which emphasize particularly violent episodes in the history of Humanity (the 1994 Rwandan genocide, the terrorism that shakes Old Europe ...) and investigates the way in which to bring them to the stage. He does this once again with this new proposal, where he approaches tragedy through a kind of criminological game and asks what causes a crime, what level of guilt the group has in a criminal act and what role the spectators play…  Loss and pain, lies and truth, cruelty and terror…..Six professional actors and enthusiasts delve into the darkest areas of life and the theatre and bring to the to the stage a brutal crime in a show that aims to stand up in manifest for a democratic theatre based on reality. 

As the title says, The Repetition. Histoire(s) du théâtre (I) is the first instalment in a series of productions about the history of theatre, one of the oldest artistic forms that Humanity has produced.

A production from l'International Institute of Political Murder (IIPM), Création Studio Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles.

With the support of Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin et Pro Helvetia, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Kulturförderung Kanton St.Gallen

Co-produced by Kunstenfestivaldesarts, NTGent, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers, Tandem Scène Nationale Arras Douai, Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Berlin, Théâtre de Liège, Münchner Kammerspiele, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt a. M., Theater Chur, Gessnerallee Zürich, Romaeuropa Festival.

With the contribution of l’ESACT Liège.

Artistic card

Concept and direction: Milo Rau Text: Milo rau and ensemble Performers: Sara De Bosschere, Suzy Cocco, Sébastien Foucault, Fabian Leenders, Johan Leysen, Tom Adjibi Research and dramaturgy: Eva-Maria Bertschy Dramaturgy collaboration: Stefan Bläske, Carmen Hornbostel Set and costume design: Anton Lukas Video: Maxime Jennes, Dimitri Petrovic Lighting design: Jurgen Kolb Sound design and technical director: Jens Baudisch Production: Mascha Euchner-Martinez, Eva-Karen Tittmann Assistant director: Carmen Hornbostel Assistant Dramaturg: François Pacco Asssistant Set Design: Patty Eggerickx Public relations: Yven Augustin Design: Nina Wolters Equipment: Tallers del Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles Photography: Michiel Devijver, Hubert Amiel Technical Team on Tour: Pierre-Olivier Boulant (Sound and Video), Jim Goossens-Bara (Camera)



  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
  • Language
    Neerlandès i francès amb sobretitulació en català
  • Price