Sylvie Guillem & Akram Khan

  • Dansa

Sacred Monsters

Sylvie Guillem and Akram Khan are two sacred monsters, two stars of the dance world. Both are classically trained, and both share an intense desire for renewal. The result is a dance production exploring the relations between ballet and kathak, a classical Indian dance. The show features choreographies by Lin Hwai-min, artistic director of the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, and Gauri Sharma Tripathi.

Artistic card

Coreografies addicionals: Lin Hwai-Min, Gauri Sharma Tripathi; Direcció artística i coreògrafia: Akram Khan; Ballarí: Akram Khan; Ballarina: Sylvie Guillem; Dramatúrgia: Guy Cools; Veu: Faheem Mazhar, Juliette van Peteghem; Percussió: Coordt Linke; Violí: Alies Christina Sluiter; Violoncel: Philip Sheppard; Disseny d'il·luminació: Mikki Kunttu; Disseny de decorats: Shizuka Hariu; Disseny de vestuari: Kei Ito; Producció: Farooq Chaudhry; Fotografia: Tristram Kenton;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya