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Barcelona cultura

RIIIING! Musical theatre call

RIIIING! Musical theatre call

The Barcelona Grec Festival, the El Terrat production company and the Mercat de Música Viva de Vic (MMVV), present RIIIING! Musicals that knock on the door, two days events for attending a Musicals Tournament!

Casa Terrat will be playing host on 10 and 11 July to the eight artistic productions participating in this musicals tournament. One of these eight productions proposals will be selected by a jury made up of five professionals from the theatre industry and by the public, and receive recognition as the Best Show Production. This distinction will be accompanied by a cash prize of 5,000 euros to support the development of the project.

As part of the day events, a prize will also be awarded for Best Musical Composition, which will feature in the next MMVV programme in the Pro area, where the production will be presented to public and private programmers in a 30-minute format with just music and vocals.

There will also be a third prize, for the project with the Best Song Lyrics, which will get a demo recording. And finally, there will be a Special Public Prize, which will be chosen by popular vote.

The Barcelona Grec Festival organisers will consider the possibility of co-producing some of the highest-acclaimed productions for presentation at the 2024 edition of the festival.

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