Barcelona welcomes Mobile Week 2021

The event returns to the city with a virtual format, transcending limits and bringing technology closer to people than ever.

11/03/2021 17:38 h

DI Lingüistica

Mobile Week was conceived as a project to bring together artists, scientists, thinkers, engineers, entrepreneurs and professionals from the cultural sector to address the challenges and opportunities offered by the current digital scenario. In the middle of the pandemic, it wasn’t going to be easy to meet that original goal successfully. Yet the organisers have embraced technology as the ideal ally for creating a meeting place unlike any before it, giving us the fifth edition of Mobile week.

The event is on from 15 to 21 March and explores questions such as which digital skills will be most in demand in the future, how the pandemic has affected our use of technology and even the degree of security with which we use the internet. Answers will come through a programme with experts conducting online workshops, conferences and round tables.

Promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona in collaboration with municipal councils, administrations and organisations, the fair returns to the city for people to reflect on various topics connecting the digital world with our daily lives. Activities will enable participants to get first-hand experience of the impact of technology on their lives. The goal is to make attendees the protagonists of Mobile Week 2021, fostering learning and interaction between them and thus democratising the opportunities presented by the digital revolution and making them available to the wider public.

Internet privacy and security

One of the core topics this year is the security of information. Experts in this field will be giving pointers on how to confront a world full of digital perils, which coexist with data circulating at the speed of light and increasingly advanced security tools.

Workshops: Mites i veritats sobre la ciberseguretat, Com pot contribuir el blockchain a un millor periodisme? and Taller d’autodefensa digital.

Conferences: Ciberatacs: es poden prevenir?, Quines dades regalem al pressionar el botó “Acceptar”? and Menors i riscos a la Xarxa. Enfocament pràctic.

Digital professional skills

Tech is increasingly present in the world of work. Because of this, workers and businesses need to join in with digital advances and not get left behind. Mobile Week will see different professionals giving pointers to help society adapt to new tech environments from school age onwards.

Workshops: Competències digitals bàsiques per famílies amb infants en edat escolar, Sigues el teu propi gestor and Com impulsar un projecte amb crowdfunding.

Conferences: Ensenyar i aprendre a través de la tecnologia, El talent digital, El professional híbrid: el candidat del futur and Reptes de l’educació en el context digital.

The role of technology during Covid-19

Who would have said that a pandemic would change our lives so much? Our way of working, communicating and entertaining ourselves has clearly undergone a radical transformation in recent months. During this time of change, tech has played a huge part, whether providing solutions to generate a better reality than before or tools that help citizens improve. Specialists will now tell us how to use digitalisation to tackle Covid-19.

Workshops: Tecnologia contra el malbaratament d’aliments, Solucions TIC davant la crisi sanitària, Entenent la mobilitat en temps de pandèmia, Màrqueting COVID: Com detectar-lo, saber utilitzar-lo… i també quan evitar-lo and Big Data per la prevenció d’epidèmies.

Conferences: L’entreteniment i cultura a l’era post-Covid, Innovar en temps difícils, La cooperació social: el motor de la salut and Telemedicina: la relació pacient-professional en les consultes virtuals.

Weekends for families

The organisers have prepared a string of activities conceived for all the family for this edition. On 20 and 21 March, kids will be able to learn about the uses, benefits and risks of technology in a dynamic and fun way. The weekend has been dubbed the Family Day and offers a special programme featuring the young YouTuber Miquel Montoro, (Del camp a Youtube), visual and craft experiences (Create your own hologram), robotics workshops (Create a cybernetic hand and Build a dancing robot) and more.

Access to all activities is free. See the festival programme here.


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