More public jobs to reduce temporality
Approval for a package of 1,435 posts in different categories and levels, particularly in social services, education and management, administration and organisations, where numbers of temporary positions are the highest. The goal is to consolidate long-term temporary staff in the next recruitment processes. New positions are also being opened up to provide access to the City Police.
On the one hand, 1,054 jobs are aimed at giving practically complete stability for temporary staff working in structural positions with Barcelona City Council. The posts to be consolidated correspond to temporary staff with contracts from before 1 January 2018, in line with Act 20/2021, with urgent measures to reduce temporality in civil service jobs.
On the other, a further 381 ordinary places will be created to cover leave and retirements from 2020. These are based on the LPGE 2021, which allows for a 20% increase in positions covering leave by essential staff in 2020 and 30% in the case of the City Police.
Over 3,500 police officers for the first time ever
The 114 places approved for the City Police and the unfilled places from previous recruitment processes means the municipal security body will get 150 officers in all. This will bring the overall number to more than 3,500, the highest figure ever. The new recruitment call for the corps includes measures to take on more women, as well as to adopt diversity. One example here is the recognition of a knowledge of foreign languages such as English, Chinese, Arabic and Urdu as a scoring factor.
Public jobs offered by the City Council in 2021 are distributed as follows:
Consolidation of 1,054 temporary posts as civil servants:
91 places in General Administrative Management
171 places as Administrative Assistant
61 places as de Administrative Junior (Professional groups)
3 places as Senior Specialist in Architecture and Engineering
27 places as Senior Specialist in Architecture
16 places as Senior Specialist in Engineering
3 places as Senior Specialist in Sciences
4 places as Senior Specialist in Art and History
12 places as Senior Specialist in Archives
39 places as Senior Specialist in Secondary Education Teaching
7 places as Senior Specialist in Visual Arts and Design Teaching
15 places as Senior Specialist in Psychology
2 places as Senior Specialist in Teaching
56 places as Senior Specialist in Information
80 places as Senior Specialist in Law
57 places as Senior Specialist in Management
16 places as Senior Specialist in Economics
10 places as Senior Specialists in Organisation
1 place as Senior Specialist in IT
15 places as Senior Specialist in Information and Communication Technologies
11 places as Specialist in Information and Communication Technologies
30 places as Specialist in Architecture
24 places as Specialist in Engineering
52 places as Specialist in Social Work
73 places as Specialist in Social Education
18 places as Teachers
1 place as Workshop Teacher in Visual Arts and Design
13 places as Teacher/Specialist in Vocational Training
4 places as Specialist with the Fire Prevention and Rescue Service
94 places as Nursery School Educator
13 places as Assistant Specialist in Social Activities
8 places as Driver
2 places as Specialist in Health
1 places as Specialist in Physiotherapy
12 places as Specialist in IT
7 places as Teacher for Orchestras and Bands
4 places as Assistant/Specialist in Special Education
381 ordinary posts:
35 places in General Administrative Management
26 places as Administrative Assistant
12 places as Specialist in Architecture
15 places as Specialist in Social Education
6 places as Specialist in Social Work
23 places as Specialist in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
22 places as Teacher
7 places as Senior Specialist in Architecture
8 places as Senior Specialist in Economics
8 places as Senior Specialist in Management
29 places as Senior Specialist in Psychology
12 places as Senior Specialist in Law
13 places as Senior Specialist in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
22 places as Senior Specialist in Secondary Education Teaching
114 places as City Police Officer
4 places as Intendent with the City Police
5 places as Inspector with the City Police
11 places as Firefighter
5 places as Assistant with Auxiliary Services
2 places as Senior Specialist in Public Health
2 places as Assistant Specialist in Cultural Institutions