Barcelona again heads Spanish state capitals with the highest social investment
Barcelona once again leads the way among Spanish state capitals in terms of social investment per inhabitant this year. According to the report by the State Association of Social Services Directors and Managers which gauges the situation of social services in the 404 municipal councils of towns and cities with over 20,000 inhabitants, the city is one of the municipalities which invests over 200 euros per head in social services.
According to the study, the average social investment around municipalities is 86,86 euros per head, while in Barcelona that figure is 235 euros per inhabitant.
The criteria of the State Association of Social Services Directors and Managers for recognising Barcelona’s “excellence” in the social sphere include the fact that the social budget for 2022 is no lower than the previous year, that the liquid budget for 2021 for social services represents at least 10% of the total and that the data published are transparent and able to be compared with the rest of municipal councils.
The city already received an award last year from AEDyGSS for being one of just twelve cities in the Spanish state able to process emergency social benefits in under 48 hours.

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