Public healthcare system

If you need to see a doctor, Catalonia has a public health-care system that offers universal assistance to city residents and which enjoys a good international reputation.
The primary healthcare centre (CAP, which stands for Centre d'Atenció Primaria) is the first point of call if you wish to access free medical assistance. The most common health problems are dealt with, diagnoses are made and social care provided there.
More serious health issues are dealt with in hospitals, where specialist treatment is administered and surgery carried out.
Barcelona has 53 CAPs, distributed throughout the city's districts. The patients of every CAP are subject to the criteria of proximity to place of residence. When you register with one, you will be assigned a GP or your own family doctor as well as a paediatrician, if you've got children.
Doctors work in rotas, so you will be asked to choose a set timetable that best suits you for visiting your doctor. You will normally be able to see your GP a day or two after you have requested an appointment.
Except in the case of emergencies, you must see your GP first before you can see a specialist doctor. Note that public dental care only covers diagnoses, preventive and therapeutic care (such as extractions in the case of infections or inflammation).
To register with the Catalan healthcare service (CatSalut), you need to be registered with the municipal residents' register (padrón), as they will assign you to the CAP nearest to your home. If you are not working or paying into the Social Security system, you will have to go through a formality to ensure your right to health care is recognised. Consult the related formalities to find out how.
Once you are registered, you will be given an individual healthcare card (TSI, which stands for stand for Targeta sanitària individual), which will give you access to the public healthcare system's centres and services. This card is individual and each member of the family must have their own, irrespective of their age.
If you have not registered with Social Security, you will have to take out private medical insurance that covers you while you are living in Spain.
For further information, visit the following website.