Over 150 activities around all city districts for Carnival

Carnival, the most transgressive and fun celebration of the year, is here. Over 150 activities are planned around all the city’s districts from 16 to 22 February. The fun gets under way on Fat Thursday with the Arribo, the opening ceremony where Queen Belluga and her seven ambassadors will be welcoming Carnival from the Palau de la Virreina.

La Taronjada durant l'arribo, que inaugura el Carnaval de Barcelona.
06/02/2023 - 16:32 h - Culture and leisure Ajuntament de Barcelona

With her satirical discourse, the queen of the frivolous will be looking at the main events of the year and inviting people to join in and really let their hair down. The Arribo continues with live mural painting, music from a DJ and the traditional orange fight known as La Taronjada (with orange confetti these days), before winding up with a firework display. The activity has been conceived by the company Ponten Pie.

Carnival parades are in store in the neighbourhoods over the weekend. There are also activities to fill neighbourhood centres, community centres and festival venues, with concerts, fancy dress competitions, exhibitions, mask dances and costume workshops.

Ash Wednesday and the Burial of the Sardine conclude the celebrations with the various burial processions organised in the city. Among shouts, tears and laments, we’ll be bidding farewell to Their Majesties the King and Queen of Carnival and welcoming Old Mother Lent.

For full information and the programme for Carnival in Barcelona go to: barcelona.cat/carnaval.