Punt zero (Point zero)




Carrer de Pamplona, 113

UPC School-CCCB. Master’s Degree in Design and Creation of Spaces

Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)-Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture (CCCB) Master’s Degree in Design and Creation of Spaces

Punt zero evokes the moment of the initial explosion from which we were created, freezing the instant immediately after this explosion and visualising the physical traces left by human existence. Punt zero invites spectators to reflect on the footprint their personal existence has left to find the turning point from which they can start to rethink their role in the universe.

Alumnes: Adriana Aguayo, Andrea Arévalo, Augusto Cilintano, Cristina Ortega, Carolina Idarraga, Claudia Carhuayo, Consuelo Coumerme, Daniela Vélez, German Ramírez, Irati Zabalo, Jesús Mas Wendt, Jordi Rocaspana, Juan Pablo Ramírez, Juana Moscoso, Laura Camacho, Manel Drareni, Maria Camila Ramírez, Maria Cecilia Molina, Maria Emilia Losano, Maria Fernanda Aguirre, Maria Jose Garcia, Milagros Ramírez, Marianela Gonzales, Mauricio Moreno, Míriam Cano, Nicolas Molina, Romina Rapp, Ruth Baches, Stella Simioni i Veronica Fernández

Tutors: Josep Ricart i Coque Claret

Acknowledgements: Hotel Capri by Fraser, ALEA