David Walliams’ parents granted him one wish: a small black-and-white television in his room. As a child, he happily spent hours devouring British wrestling. However,...
Scriptwriter and writer
A scriptwriter for fiction series and children’s programmes, communicator and author of 50 books in children’s and young adult literature, including the novel Un cor de neu [A Heart of Snow] (La Magrana, 2022).
She was the author of the column “La peor madre del mundo” [The Worst Mother in the World] in the newspaper Ara, and of the book of the same title. Currently, she writes the column “Viva la vida” [Here’s to Life] in the same newspaper, discussing the power of mature women. A teacher trainer, she also organises numerous activities to promote reading and writing.
Last Update: July 24, 2024
David Walliams’ parents granted him one wish: a small black-and-white television in his room. As a child, he happily spent hours devouring British wrestling. However,...
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