Retrat d'Raquel Díaz Ruiz

Doctor in Sustainability

Head of the knowledge and awareness department at the Espigoladors Foundation. Doctor in Sustainability from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), she is an expert and activist in the assessment and prevention of food loss and waste. 

In this realm, she has participated in several pioneering initiatives at European and national level for more than eight years. She has also been an associate professor at the UPC and a member of the Plataforma Aprofitem els Aliments [Zero Food Waste Platform].

Last Update: September, 2021

Articles by Raquel Díaz Ruiz

Il·lustració © Riki Blanco
Towards a new food modelGleaning to shift gears

The industrialised agri-food system is unsustainable. The very agents promoting this model are beginning to look for ways to avert its collapse. Gleaning that avoids food waste...

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