Contents 110
DossierDigital city

Cities can adopt practices that will engage residents in communities of practice, building on making, doing, and sharing together as a base of identity that can provide real sense of...

Cities and citizens, not companies, ought to own the data produced in cities and should be able to use said data to improve public services and put their policies into action. Data...

The infrastructure of the city offers major new opportunities for profit and power which makes them highly desirable for private platforms like Google, Uber and Baidu. The end result of...

The platform economy generates considerable challenges and opportunities. It’s necessary to to distinguish truly collaborative platforms, which must be promoted and protected, from the...

Urban environments are characterised by the opportunities they offer to think of a political culture where shared knowledge assets can be managed jointly by different sized groups with...

In most cities there are hardly any spaces left for public cohabitation: by neglecting parks and common areas, by closing cultural spaces, by cutting budgets for extracurricular...

The adjective 'smart' is very much in vogue. It represents the idea that cities can be more intelligent and efficient thanks to technology, and the data that they and their inhabitants...

Information and communications technologies are a strategic sector in a city’s economy, not just because of the volume of investment and jobs they generate, but also because of...
Other contents

We are moving towards the digital city. Technology is often identified with progress. It depends on the use to which they are put. Data has become the main infrastructure of the economy...

Sergio Fajardo
Not affiliated with any of the traditional parties, he became mayor of Medellín in 2004 leading a citizen movement and completely renewed a city that had entered a deep black period in...

It is always possible for anyone, even a "great" artist to address others or represent them visually without viewing them "from on high". This is not the case in Human Flow, the...

Cultural workers live in a lamentable state of job insecurity, as we can see from the debate that opens this Culture Folder. The arts actually help us to recognise ourselves in our...
The 2008 crisis was devastating for culture. Cutbacks left many projects without funding and public services had to reduce or freeze hiring. Precarious employment in the sector...

Joumana Haddad
The Lebanese activist Joumana Haddad (Beirut, 1970) is one of the most influential...

Blockchain fans highlight that we may be witnessing the start of a new infrastructure which will revolutionise the relations between small and large agents, traditional and new, in many...

Charlotte’s story is the unique story of a girl immersed in a tragic family legacy, a lineage of suicides, a litany of inherited deaths which is abruptly revealed to her in exile...

Eric Hobsbawm, the British Marxist historian, coined the expression “a brief century” to refer to the period between the First World War (1914) and the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991...

A fascinating transgressive joy pervades the photographs gathered in this exhaustive round-up of the ‘queer’ Barcelona of the early 20th century to today. All the photographs are quite...

Els límits del Quim Porta, a book by Josep Perals, is bound to disturb and hypnotise. The whole book breathes poetry, lyrical sonority, ideas, constant revelation of language,...

The opening of an Islamic prayer hall in Carrer del Japó, in the Prosperitat neighbourhood, has been fraught with tension because of the residents’ opposition to this centre. Management...

Her name was María Ángeles Muñoz and she was the cause of the rebellious catchphrase of solidarity a multitude of women also adopted: ‘I am an adulteress, too”. This catchphrase ‘not...
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