Photographic Report

8 October

18 Photographies


In this new era, Barcelona Metròpolis will set aside a space for showing reality through the eyes of a photographer; in this case, through the eyes of Consuelo Bautista. 

These images are part of Raval, a report that the Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona commissioned the same year Bautista was awarded the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona. The report is a sensitive approximation to the multifaceted, ambivalent nature of El Raval. It portrays a collection of extraordinary moments in the life of a neighbourhood that’s often considered marginal. Bautista flees from the stereotypes of the Barri Xino or Districte V; with a complex combination of light and shadow, she captures the magnetism of the neighbourhood: the fragile balance of everyday life and a cultural multiplicity that has made it the most singular, diverse space in the city.

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