Il·lustració d'una fila de persones agafant cada una amb les mans el cap de qui té davant
Digital cityThe ecosystem of knowledge as a common asset

Urban environments are characterised by the opportunities they offer to think of a political culture where shared knowledge assets can be managed jointly by different sized groups with...

Il·lustració © Oriol Malet
The underground district

Under the Eixample there are the same streets as on the surface, though much narrower, and they reflect the life outside and that of the houses above.

Il·lustració © Mireia Zantop
The pride of the hillside

I suspect that Jane Bowles, Pere Calders, Nelly Sachs, Joan Maragall, Federico García Lorca, Josep Vicenç Foix and Mercè Rodoreda once lived together in Vallvidrera. This neighbourhood...

Il·lustració © Òscar Tusquets
Black eyes, forked tongue

I wish they’d all go away. That this damned Operation Escape would end. That the neighbourhood would be emptied of those who live and who don’t live in Pedralbes.

Retrat d'Isabelle Anguelovski © Pere Virgili
“Powerful investors have taken over the ecological agenda”

Isabelle Anguelovski, researcher in political ecology

The creation of city parks, green belts and ecological corridors in urban neighbourhoods attracts upmarket estate agencies and new residents with more purchasing power than longstanding...

Retrat de Josep Maria Antó © Pere Virgili
“Our health and that of the environment go together”

Josep Maria Antó, Director of Science at the Barcelona Institute of Global Health

A sword of Damocles hangs over the head of today's generations: the deterioration of the environment and climate change. The impact on human health of all this environmental turbulence...


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