Retrat de Simona Levi © Pere Virgili
Positive passion for changing our reality

Simona Levi, playwright and activist

Digital technology has changed society, but there is still a long way to go. As part of the Xnet action group, Simona Levi works to improve democracy in the digital age and to make...

Retrat de Maria Antònia Canals © Pere Virgili
At school and at work, everyone should be happy

Maria Antònia Canals

The pedagogue, who founded the Ton i Guida school in the Verdum neighbourhood, defends a mathematics useful in life that help mature thinking and that avoid suffering children.

Il·lustració © Lluïsa Jover
Trobada prevista

Cinc minuts de marge. I, si ve, la reconeixeré a primer cop d’ull?, o em costarà saber si és ella i després hauré de dissimular amb un “Sílvia, no has canviat gens”? Les mateixes...


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