Il·lustració ©Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityThe emotional roots of the birth rate crisis

The current birth rate crisis is linked to something deeper than cultural or sociological aspects. It is...

Illustration ©Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityRecognising and integrating family diversity

So-called “new families” are not truly new; they have always existed. Flexible family arrangements and...

Illustration ©Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityParenting communities: a growing alternative

The vanishing extended family, the complexities of parenting, and the rise of new educational codes are...

La Clariana de Les Glòries
Green areas, biodiversity and quality of life

The quantity and quality of vegetation is a key factor for achieving a healthy city and combating climate change. Street trees provide shade and help to regulate the temperature...

© Marc Javierre
Tim Jackson. Living better with less

There is life after capitalism. This is the view of economist and ecologist Tim Jackson, who asks: “Why aren’t rich countries always happier than poor countries?” He argues that...

The impacts of artificial intelligenceRobots and intelligent systems are revolutionising medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising medicine and healthcare. There are already developments that...

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureEmotional malaise among adolescents

Adolescence is a time of major life changes; physical and hormonal changes that transform the body, as well...

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