Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careCities that care: transforming space to prioritise life

Prioritising the sustainability of life involves providing the material and immaterial conditions that support care. In the urban planning sphere, this means breaking away from the...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careReproductive revolution and care crisis

The evolution of the population in the next 15 years is marked by what is called ageing of ageing, which predicts a significant increase in people aged over 100 and a gradual...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careReflections on Care and Social Justice

Care is a relational practice that involves those who give it and those who receive it and includes both the right to be cared for and the right to care. As work on the ethics of care...

Il·lustració. © Maria Contreras Coll
The city of careThe ethics of care

Everyone has the right to be cared for and everyone has a duty to care. Care has become a basic need that must be covered not just by the family, but also by public policies. The Covid-...

Il·lustració © Margarita Castaño
The city of careCare and the post-pandemic economy

The two latest crises of capitalism – that of 2008 and the Covid-19 crisis – have highlighted the importance of care and the urgent need to transform the economic system so that not all...

Un agent de la Guàrdia Urbana aplaudeix els paradistes del Mercat d’Hostafrancs, que també li estan fent un reconeixement. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Isaac Planella
How can we deal with a complex emergency?

The health and social emergency triggered by the COVID-19 crisis has represented a major challenge for municipal government administration in Barcelona. The City Council’s experience of...

Retrat de Patrick Radden Keefe. © Mariona Gil Sala
Portraying the world before changing it

Patrick Radden Keefe believes in the journalism that tirelessly seeks the truth to dig deeper and make information the first step in transforming the world. In a conversation with Mònica...

© Ajuntament de Barcelona / Martí Petit
The biggest challenge

When the pandemic broke out, the municipal government administration became mindful of the complexity of the emergency and took on a two-fold challenge: keep all services running and...

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