Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyPublic transport, a clean and efficient mobility alternative

People need to move to interact with one another, to go to work, to study or to shop, to enjoy leisure time or to socialise and be with family and friends. In Barcelona, the solution to...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyOvertaking the old mobility. The car, from host to guest

Cities are currently the scene of the foremost social, environmental and economic challenge posed by sustainable mobility. It is time to apply new formulae, such as vehicle sharing, the...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyTowards the energy transition

Cities occupy only 3% of the Earth’s surface. Notwithstanding this fact, they account for between 60% and 80% of energy consumption and 75% of carbon emissions. It is clear that a change...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyBe part of the solution

The fight against climate change is a colossal challenge that calls for rethinking the entire organisation of the city from top to bottom. It is the whole urban metabolism that needs to...

El sostre de miralls de la nova estructura que acull i reflecteix les parades dels Encants Vells, ara ubicats a l’Avinguda Meridiana i tocant a la plaça de les Glòries. © Rafael Vargas
Els Encants: The art of the autobiographical found object

Encants i miralls de Barcelona is a dream come true for its authors, the photographer Rafael Vargas and the writer Victoria Bermejo. Rarely, and without planning, can a project...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureAlternatives to the “plaza dura”. Fostering urban biodiversity and citizen empowerment

In terms of urban design, a “plaza dura” is deemed to be a solution for the urban planning of a public space with a large surface area, generally made of granite or concrete, with hardly...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureThe year of the plague

Ebola was the first in the succession of new diseases that tested humanity’s immune systems in the early 1990s. It was to be followed by avian influenza in 1997, and SARS in 2002. Now,...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicLow-intensity neo-fascism, for the time being

The lessons of history do not immunise us against fascism. The collective experience of the pandemic we are experiencing, with a stunned and shocked society, introduces a feeling of fear...

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