‘A Winter Night’

Casa Batlló

From 15/11/2024 to 28/02/2025

Night visit. Take a journey into the history of the Casa Batlló and its inhabitants, with a unique night tour featuring new projections and special lighting.

A Winter Night offers an intimate tour of the Casa Batlló.

Discover the most iconic spaces in the building through people that lived there, in a unique and moving set.

The voices of Fermina (the maid at the house) and Juan Carlos (descendant of the Batlló family) will immerse us in life at the house first hand.

The experience features an original soundtrack by the composer Jordi Longán, with the special collaboration of Sheila Blanco.

Further information and tickets.

Casa Batlló

Pg Gràcia, 43
la Dreta de l'Eixample



Durada: 1h 15min

Occur on
Casa Batlló

"Una Nit d'Hivern" és un recorregut emotiu per Casa Batlló. Descobreix els seus espais més icònics a través de persones que hi van viure, en una escenografia nocturna única.