
Ca l'Alier

The old Ca l’Alier factory in Poblenou has opened as the headquarters of BIT Habitat. This foundation promotes urban innovation in social, economic, urban and technological fields, developing projects with upcoming companies and local SMEs, universities, associations and government agencies. BIT Habitat has a twofold focus of activity. Cities Workshop promotes the international dissemination of thinking related to urban innovation, whereas i-Lab presents the city as an experimentation laboratory that helps respond to new challenges and citizens demands, promote ethical and responsible use of data and technology, and improve sustainability. The technological multinational Cisco Systems also has a prominent role here. Based at the new innovation and demonstration centre related to the Internet of things and smart cities, the company will promote collaborative projects with start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises, and university and research centres in the city.

Ca l’Alier has been given a new lease of life as an intelligent, zero-emissions building, with self-sufficiency and intelligent resource management strategies. It is an example of the recovery of the city’s industrial heritage for new uses. The building, made up of three sheds, was constructed in 1853 as a paint factory, though in the early 20th century it was converted for the production of jute fabrics. Fires in 2005 and 2007, when the building was no longer in use, left it badly damaged until, in 2011, it was decided to turn it into a building for technical and administrative uses. Remodelling respected the original project, including the characteristic 20 m chimney, as well as recovering and rehabilitating the ridge roof with its flat Catalan tiles, timber truss and brick masonry walls.

With the opening of the new venue, the surrounding area has been revamped, improving access to the site. C/Cristóbal de Moura has been redeveloped between c/Fluvià and c/Provençals, becoming a green axis with over 3,500 m2 of greenery and more space for pedestrians.