Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureThe transformative power of volunteering in adolescence

Experiences of community involvement during childhood and adolescence bear a positive impact on psychological wellbeing and contribute to the development of active citizenship....

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureWellbeing and resilience building for healthy growth

To understand the reasons behind the mental disorders pandemic suffered by young people and adolescents, global and long-term environmental causes need to be considered. Healthy...

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureHybrid teens: between presence and virtuality

Today’s reality cannot be interpreted with last century’s codes. All too often, our prejudices make us ignore...

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureThe discourse trap that drives young people into precariousness

Individualism and competitiveness have encroached on many aspects of young people’s lives. They are exposed...

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureUnwanted loneliness: when being connected isn’t enough

Unwanted loneliness is not just linked to ageing. On the contrary, some studies reveal that it is young...

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureThe teenage brain, a time of change and transformation

During adolescence, morphological and physiological changes take place that have a profound effect on the...

Visitants fullejant els llibres exposats a un estand de la 40a edició de Comic Barcelona. © Edu Bayer
Barcelona, capital of comics. Who’s (still) afraid of manga?

We have had access to manga publications for more than thirty years. More and more international publishers are launching new comic collections in general and...

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