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12 curious facts about the Santa Llúcia Fair.

The Santa Llúcia Fair is the oldest Christmas market held in the city and its long history has made it a key figure in dozens of stories, customs and curiosities well worth bringing together.

The lost customs of All Saints’ Day in Barcelona

Would you like to take a walk around the lost Barcelona, accompanied by the explanations of historian Dani Cortijo and the 'Costumari Català’ (Catalan Customs) by Joan Amades?

The Celtic origins of All Saints' Day

All Saints is one of a group of festivals, along with the Day of the Dead and Halloween, which all have a common origin: the beliefs of the Ancient Celts, which were partly based on remembering their dead.

Times for Christmas lights 2023

Christmas. The Christmas lights will operate from 23 November to 6 January, during the same hours as in 2022.