Mobility and transport

Disruptions to mobility in C/ Comte Urgell between Hospital Clínic and Francesc Macià

Traffic restrictions from January for work to extend the L8.

12/12/2024 09:41 h

Christmas 2024
Animal Welfare

New measures to reduce excessive feeding of pigeons

Measures are being stepped up under the Pla Endreça to reduce or eliminate the amount of food people give to pigeons.

11/12/2024 16:15 h

Mobility and transport
Urban planning and infrastructures
Urban planning and infrastructures
Security and prevention
Security and prevention

Gale alert deactivated

09/12/2024 10:30 h

Security and prevention

Gale alert activated

07/12/2024 17:22 h

BCN Guide recommends

Highlights for the next few days