Security and prevention

Criminal offences down by 4.7% in Barcelona in 2024

The number of criminal offences has dropped, while the number of cases resolved, the number of arrests and investigations are all up.

14/02/2025 13:08 h

City Council

City of Barcelona Awards: 75 years recognising excellence in culture and science

Sixteen awards to distinguish works and actions of excellence in 2024 in the categories of science and culture.

13/02/2025 15:22 h

Commerce and markets
Culture and leisure
Environment and sustainability

BCN Guide recommends

Highlights for the next few days

Escena – Barcelona Districte Cultural

Where: Als centres cívics, al Casal Font d'en Fargues, Centre Sant Pere i Lluïsos d'Horta
When: From 06/02/2025 to 26/04/2025

Mozart's ‘Requiem’

Where: Gran Teatre del Liceu
When: From 18/02/2025 to 26/02/2025