City Council

Serrat and Estopa at the benefit concert ‘Barcelona with Valencia’

At the Palau Sant Jordi on 29 November, at 8.30 pm.

11/11/2024 15:35 h

Mobility and transport

Speaking out against racism

07/11/2024 15:12 h


How to help people affected by the floods

People can help by donating money, giving essential products or volunteering.

04/11/2024 16:50 h

Environment and sustainability
Environment and sustainability
Security and prevention

New aid convoy to Valencia

04/11/2024 17:38 h

BCN Guide recommends

Highlights for the next few days

‘Voices against racism’

Where: Diferents equipaments de la ciutat
When: From 07/11/2024 to 20/02/2025

‘Som València’

Where: Club Sauvage - Sala-Escenari
When: From 11/11/2024 to 12/11/2024

29th Science Week

Where: Diferents indrets
When: From 08/11/2024 to 17/11/2024