Barcelona City Council’s websites:
Seek to provide up-to-date and quality information on Barcelona’s markets.
The information that is posted on this website is valid at the time of its publication and updated as quickly as possible.
It is the responsibility of the person or entity supplying information from third parties to see to its updating. Barcelona City Council will see to it that the suppliers of such information ensure its updating and compliance with current regulations.
Barcelona City Council seeks to ensure the information that is disseminated complies with the accessibility, re-usability and quality requirements provided for under current legislation.
It allows access, irrespective of the technology users choose, through technologies based on open standards in particular.
Guarantees security and the protection of personal data.
Personal data (name, surname(s), address, etc.) collected and processed by Barcelona City Council, in its relationship with individual citizens (procedures, applications, participation in platforms, tender calls, etc.) are included in Barcelona City Council's corresponding files (es).
When providing such data, citizens give their express and unequivocal consent to the data's processing. Only data that are appropriate, relevant and not excessive for meeting the purposes envisaged are processed.
Barcelona City Council guarantees confidentiality in personal-data processing, as well as the application of technical and organisational measures to ensure they are secure in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act (LOPD 15/1999, of 13 December).
Citizens (users) may exercise rights that ensure control of personal data: rights to access, correct, cancel and challenge those data, as provided for under the current legislation in force, under the provisions set out on the following link: (es)
Follows a cookies policy that respects privacy.
This website uses its own and third-party cookies to improve browsing experiences and offer content and services that may be of interest.
Allows and promotes the reuse of information provided, within the framework of this legal notice and current legislation.
Barcelona City Council allows the reuse of all data and information published on this website under the following terms and conditions, unless otherwise stated:
the information's content is not altered;
the meaning of the information is not distorted;
the information's source must be mentioned;
no impression is given that the City Council sponsors or supports the activity in which the information is reused;
In all cases, the possibility of reusing the information will be limited by the need to protect other rights, assets and interests under the provisions of current legislation. In particular, any reuse whatsoever of the information contained in this website must safeguard the protection provided under intellectual and industrial property law and the protection provided under personal data law.
More specifically, the reuse of works and services protected under intellectual property law remains subject to the terms and conditions of the intellectual property licence established in each case. (See the section on “Intellectual Property”.) Works and services may not be reused where it is stated that their intellectual property rights are reserved.
Protects intellectual and industrial property and encourages open licences.
Barcelona City Council is the holder or assigned user of the intellectual property rights to the works and services that come under its websites. This includes the graphic designs and programs as well as the texts, images, and recordings they contain. Any reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of these works and services that falls outside the definition of activities directly authorised under Spain's Act on Intellectual Property shall require the holder's authorisation.
Where contents subject to a Creative Commons licence are shown, they are specified in the section entitled “Specific terms and conditions for this website”.
Trademarks, trade names and distinctive signs that appear in the City Council’s websites may be protected under industrial property law, where applicable, and belong to their respective holders. They may not be used without authorisation from their holder or the Act.
Any citizen who believes this website or its content infringes any intellectual or property rights must notify City Council, stating their name, the ownership of the rights (providing the corresponding proof or accreditation) and the subject matter of the right allegedly infringed.
Is present on several social networks and platforms.
The City Council is represented on several social media networks and platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Issuu. When you access any of these or other social networks, note that the user terms and conditions which apply are the ones established for each platform and not the ones specified for the City Council.
Adapts to the current legal framework relating to the responsibility of content.
Under the current legislation, the City Council assumes responsibility for any content on this website that has been prepared by the Council itself. As regards content supplied by users and third parties, the City Council shall be exempted from any responsibility, as provided for under Articles 13 and 17 of Spain's Act 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and e-Commerce services. The City Council shall also be exempted in particular from any liability for any linked content, as provided for under Article 17 of that same Act.
The City Council shall not be held responsible for any improper use that users may make of the website's content. Nor shall the Council be responsible for any problems that may arise in accessing the portal or any malfunctioning due to causes outside its control.