iDEM, the project to create AI tools and make information and democratic debate more accessible

The Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities (IMPD) is taking part in iDEM, a European project to create artificial intelligence tools that simplify information for democratic debate and make it more understandable for people with communication difficulties or intellectual disabilities.

29/01/2024 11:51 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

To carry the project out, the IMPD has teamed up with ten other European partners, including universities, institutions, social organisation and tech companies. In Catalonia, the UPF and the Barcelona Ombudsman are also taking part.

The aim of the iDEM European project is to design technologies and software that simplifies documents about public affairs to adapt them using AI and natural language processing.

Before developing AI tools, working sessions will be organised with nearly twenty people from groups currently excluded from democratic processes, who will help to identify the origin of comprehension difficulties.

Started in January, the iDEM project will last three years and be funded by the EUs Horizon programme to the tune of three million euros.

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