Urban planner

Emeritus Professor of Planning at Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom. 

His research interests span regional and national-scale planning, major infrastructure planning in the UK and Europe, and the long history of cities and the role of public and collective actions in shaping them. His latest book on planning is The Politics and Ideology of Planning (Policy Press, Bristol, 2020). He was editor of Transforming Barcelona (Routledge, London, 2004) and co-editor, alongside Joan Roca, of European City Museums (Ajuntament de Barcelona and MUHBA, Barcelona, 2023).

Articles by Tim Marshall

Two visitors observing Roman remains while listening to the audio guide at the Barcelona History Museum. © Imatges Barcelona / Paola de Grenet
The MUHBA undergoes expansion, beckoning reflection on the city’s history

The Barcelona History Museum (MUHBA) commemorates 80 years of igniting a fascination for contemporary Barcelona, expanding its reach to various locations within the municipal...

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