Celebrating 10 years of farmers' markets in Barcelona

During the festival, visitors will have the chance to discover these markets and their role in the eco-social transformation of the food model.

grup d'amics gaudint d'una calçotada a un mercat de pagès
05/04/2024 - 19:42 h - City Council Ajuntament de Barcelona

Barcelona’s very first farmers’ market took place near the Germanetes urban garden, on C/ Consell de Cent between C/ Viladomat and C/ Borrell in 2014, and today, ten years on, we’re celebrating this anniversary.

The festival, which is being organised for Saturday 13 April, will feature live music, a big agroecological calçotada, exhibitions and talks, all designed to raise awareness and to further contribute to bringing about a real change in the food model.

An activity-packed morning

In the morning, the programme includes two exhibitions organised by Xixa Teatre to showcase the history of the markets, and the role they play in the eco-social transition, and in the transformation of the food model. There’s a talk at 12 noon about the ten years that farmers’ markets have been transforming the food model in Barcelona, along with a reading of the manifesto ‘És l’hora dels mercats de pagès’, culminating a collective toast and signalling the start of various musical performances.

Lunch is to be a big calçotada for all, bringing the festival to a close. Tickets can be booked here.