Can Mamella // Workshop with Gian Maria Tosatti
Моє серце пусте, як дзеркало – одеський епізод, 2020, environmental installation, site specific. Courtesy Galleria Lia Rumma, Milano / Napoli

Gian Maria Tosatti is an Italian visual artist. His projects are usually long-term investigations on specific topics related to the concept of identity, with a viewpoint from the political to the spiritual. His work consists mainly of large-scale site-specific installations conceived for entire buildings or urban areas. His practice often involves the communities of the places where he works.
In 2015, ArtReview put him on the list of the 30 most interesting artists of his generation (Future Greats). In 2014, the international magazine Domus declared his installation My Dreams, They’ll Never Surrender, among the ten best shows in the world for that year. Since 2021, he has been the artistic director of Rome Quadriennale, an Italian foundation for the research and promotion of Italian contemporary art. In 2022, he was the first artist in the history of the Venice Biennale to represent Italy alone in the national pavilion. Tosatti is also a journalist. He’s a columnist for Corriere della Sera and the magazine Opera Viva. He writes essays on art and politics.
Can Mamella is a programme designed for all audiences who are interested in contemporary art and thinking.
Please register for the workshops by writing to, indicating your connection with contemporary art and thinking, your motivation for registering for the workshop and attaching a brief CV (if relevant, with links to your work).
With the support of: GREC Festival de Barcelona; Elisava, Facultat de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona; i la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
With the collaboration of: Facultat de Belles Arts de la Universitat de Barcelona; el grau d’Arts i Disseny de l’Escola Massana; BAU Centre Universitari d’Arts i Disseny de Barcelona; i EINA, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona (UAB).