El viento en un violín

  • Teatre

Claudio Tolcachir / Timbre 4

There is nothing that a mother would not do for a child. That fact is amply demonstrated in this piece by an actor and director who has become one of the leading names in new Argentinian drama from the independent Timbre 4 theatre in Buenos Aires.

Claudio Tolcachir returns to the Barcelona stage, where he triumphed with such productions as La omisión de la familia Coleman. This time, however, he chooses as his protagonists two women who love each other and desperately want to have a child, mothers with children who will do anything to ensure their happiness and children who cannot find their place in the world… Through the stories of two very different families, Tolcachir explores love’s limits and asks whether loving a child or a mother justifies anything, even hurting someone else. Intense performances, a realistic, fragmented text and lots of humour in this parable on love in which three families become one very different unit. Acceptance turns the stage into a window onto life: Tolcachir’s critical realism and his actors in all their glory.

Artistic card

Autoria: Claudio Tolcachir; Direcció: Claudio Tolcachir; Ajudant de direcció: Gonzalo Cordoba Estevez, Melisa Hermida; Intèrprets: Inda Lavalle, Tamara Kiper, Miriam Odorico, Araceli Dvoskin, Claudio Tolcachir, Gonzalo Ruiz; Escenografia: Gonzalo Córdoba Estévez; Disseny de l'espai: Claudio Tolcachir; Disseny d'il·luminació: Omar Possemato; Distribució: Producciones Teatrales Contemporáneas; Producció: TEATRO TIMBRE4// Jonathan Zak i Maxime Seugé;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Wednesday-Friday, 8.30 pm; Saturday, 6 pm and 9.30 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Romea

    Carrer de l'Hospital, 51, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    90 min (without interval)
  • Price