# Juana Dolores # * massa diva per a un moviment assembleari *

  • Escena híbrida

Juana Dolores

A poet and performer that cuts through clichés and prejudices.

She describes herself as an actress, even though this author, born in Llobregat in 1992, has become particularly well-known since winning the Amadeu Oller Prize – awarded by the Sants neighbourhood to poets under the age of 30 writing in Catalan – with her collection of poems Bijuteria. Founder and coordinator of the cyber-artefact @HYBRIS.VIRAL in which, together with the artist Sandy Moldavia, she has been researching and developing digital arts practices and made her theatrical debut in 2020 at the TNT - Terrassa Noves Tendències festival: a solo in which she uses words, images, video and music rooted in Andalusian folklore to speak of the pain of an individual before the community as a desire to be socially and culturally sexualised. She does so by decontextualising Marxist-Leninist ideology, symbols and terminology.

If you have not yet heard of this artist who, in recent months, has powerfully attracted the attention of Barcelona’s literary and theatrical scene, come and see her first stage production before she premières the new one she is working on, a production entitled HIT ME IF I’M PRETTY * or Vladimir Maiakovski es va suïcidar per amor. And if you want to see her reflect on the limits of video and poetry search the internet for audiovisuals such as Limpieza and Santa Bàrbara.


Artistic card

Authorship (performance, dramaturgy, direction): Juana Dolores Political curator: Josemi Gutiérrez, Kevin Guerrero Sound design: Sofía A. Martori Song book design and edition: Sandy Moldavia Artistic advice: Semolina Tomic, David Aguilar, Rita Rakosnik Production: Antic Teatre Aknowledgements:  Antic Teatre, TNT, El Graner, Can Felipa


  • Dates
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona