Victòria d'Enric V

  • Música

William Shakespeare / Pau Carrió

A "young" Shakespeare in which words and music invite the spectator to meditate on victories and the price we pay for them.

Young talents on the Barcelona theatre scene team up stage a classic to question the value of victory.  To this end, the director, dramaturge and musician Pau Carrió has recruited La Kompanyia Lliure to perform this Catalan-language version of Henry V, tracing the trajectory of the character from his first appearance in Henry IV. Henry is a young prince who has strayed far from the court, frequenting dubious company. Few hope that he will make a good king. After his coronation, though, encouraged by the Church, the new king decides to wage war on France. Against all odds, he emerges victorious, a hero. But what does he gain from this victory? The epic of war, defeat and triumph impregnates our education, leisure, economy, politics and public life. Why are we so intent on winning? Is living to win worth the effort? Is victory a good common goal? Should we construct ourselves on victory over others? These are the questions posed by actors and director in a version in which music – both instrumental and vocal – establishes a dialogue with the spoken word. The audience also takes part in this history, judging for themselves what we lose and what we win along the way. 

Artistic card

Versió i direcció: Pau Carrió ; Intèrprets: Pep Ambrós, Laura Aubert, Javier Beltrán, Paula Blanco, Pau Carrió, Pol López, Albert Prat, Mima Riera, Maria Rodríguez, David Verdaguer; Interpretació musical: Arnau Vallvé; Vestuari: Sebastià Brosa, Raquel Bonillo; Il·luminació: Raimon Rius; Música: Arnau Vallvé; Moviment: Anna Rubirola;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure de Gràcia

    Carrer del Montseny, 47, 08012 Barcelona

  • Duration
    100 min
  • Price